Five Ways to Stay Healthy at Work

Your work should be never be an excuse to neglect your health. If anything, it should be your main motivation to stay in tip-top shape. Admittedly, with such erratic and busy work schedules, taking care of your general well-being can be quite challenging.

So, how do you exactly achieve optimal health when you’re working full time? Here are a few tips:

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Do you usually find yourself feeling sluggish and tired for no apparent reason? Chances are you probably dehydrated. Make it a habit to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you’re not too keen on drinking it plain, you can add some fruits to give it a bit of flavor.

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As the popular adage goes, you are what you eat. So, be mindful of what you consume. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables to your diet and try to avoid eating from fast food chains. If you can, pack your own meals.


No matter how busy your workday is, always take your breaks. Sitting at your desk for hours on end can take a toll on your health. A quick 10-min rest every couple of hours works wonder. It’s enough time for you to do some stretches to promote blood circulation and to get your muscles moving.


A little bit of physical activity can help you stay fit and sharp. It relieves stress, improves your mood, and just makes you feel happier in general. Don’t have time to go to the gym? You might want to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Even as simple as trying to achieve 10,000 steps a day can make a word of difference to your health.

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Just finished a big presentation? Treat yourself. Rough week? Get a massage. Beat the deadline? Buy yourself a nice meal. Spoiling and pampering yourself from time to time significantly improves your health. Don’t feel guilty when you do it because you know what? You deserve it.

You have to remember that you can’t achieve optimal health overnight. It requires time and effort. Make these tips your new habits and you will surely get there in no time.