Community Service Activities You Can Easily Do

Much like raising a child, it takes a village to make your community a much better place to live in. This is an endeavor that needs everyone’s involvement, most especially yours. As daunting as it sounds, getting involved with community building is actually fun and enjoyable.

Here are some activities that you can do:


1. Solo clean-up drive

Trash is one of the biggest problems communities are facing today and it is causing an encompassing number of damages to the environment. Aside from being responsible with your own trash, another thing that you can do is to alleviate this problem is to make it your habit to pick up pieces of trash you find in public places.

2. Volunteer work

Try looking into various organizations and charities in your area and see if they need help with anything. Most likely, they do. You don’t even have to stick to one organization. As a matter of fact, it would actually be pretty great if you divide your volunteer time to cover a lot of ground. Sparing a few hours in a week to help out people who are in need never fails to make a lasting impact to your community.


3. Tree planting activity

If you want to encourage your friends to get involved with building your community, this is an activity that you can organize in partnership with the local government. They will be more than happy to help you sort things out. Tree planting is so much fun and helps the environment a lot.

4. Safety and security advocacy.

The first step to keeping your community safe and secured is to raise awareness. It can be as simple as handing people a list of emergency hotlines. You can even post it online for a wider reach. You can also organize or join a neighborhood watch program. One of the great things about this initiative is that you can get acquainted with so many people.


5. Public Facility Enhancements

If you have a knack for arts and crafts, you can coordinate with your local government and see if you can do projects that can make your community better. For instance, you can help paint public benches and maybe even do murals. You can also help improve your community’s playground and make sure they’re safe for kids to use. The park offers a lot of avenues for you to exercise your creativity while still helping improve the community.