Here's How You Can Help Improve Your Community

According to Gandhi, you have to be the change you wish to see in this world. So, if you wish to live in a much better city, you have to actively help in building it. It may sound daunting but there are so many ways you can do to help your community become the place you’ve been dreaming to live in.

Here are some of them:

  1. Take responsibility of your own trash. There’s no denying that garbage is one of the biggest problems various communities have to deal with these days. For your part, make sure that you dispose any wastes you have at home properly. Segregate them and try to recycle those that can still serve other purposes. It also helps more if you adapt a zero-waste lifestyle and avoid producing trash altogethe

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

2. Support your local businesses. If you have weekend markets or tiny stalls in your community that sell locally-grown or locally-made products, buy from them. Not only can you get some items for much less, you will help your local economy as well. Plus, most of the time, the products that you can buy from small, local businesses are of really excellent quality.

3.  Volunteer. Try looking at places where you can volunteer—an animal shelter, an orphanage, a non-profit organization of your chosen cause. Sparing a few hours per month can have such a huge impact on those places. You may also participate in community building programs organized by your local government. The key really is to be a productive member of society so, try to be as involved as possible.

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

4. Be friends with your neighbors. A tight-knit community makes for a happy, more dynamic neighborhood. Plus, it increases safety and security in your area. If you’re not too keen on coming up to each and every one of them, you can join organized community activities to get acquainted. Also, you can use social media to your advantage. Pretty sure there is a group you can join on there.

Making a big impact to your community does not necessarily mean you have to do grand gestures. Most of the time, the smallest, simplest thing cans make the world of a difference. These are just some ideas that can get you started with your endeavor.

Feel free to drop a comment if you have more brilliant ideas you want to share!