Prevent Fire with These Tips

Have you ever stopped to wonder why March is Fire Prevention Month?

Being one of the hottest months in the Philippines, March is the time of the year when the temperature and humidity start to reach high levels, which then increases the risk of fire incidents. Over the years, statistics have also show that the cases of fire significantly increase during this month.

So, in 1966, President Ferdinand E. Marcos signed a Presidential Proclamation No. 115 – A that declared March to be the month dedicated to raise awareness and promote fire prevention and safety.

Here are some recommended tips from the Bureau of Fire Protection to ensure the safety of your family and properties:

1. Make it a habit to check your gas tanks for leaks. Also, store the tanks in a well-ventilated area to prevent any accumulation of gas vapors. Shut them off when not in use.

2. Keep lighters, matches, and other highly-flammable materials out of children’s reach.

3. Unplug all idle electrical appliances and equipment. Do not overload your electrical circuits.

4. As part of your regular general housekeeping and maintenance, have all your electrical wiring checked. Replace any faulty wiring.

5.  Store all combustible and flammable items as far away from the kitchen as possible.

6.  Practice kitchen safety at all times. Always keep an eye on your cooking. If you must leave the kitchen, ask someone to look after it or just turn off the stove.

7.  Install fire alarms and smoke detectors in your home. If you already have them, check if they are still in perfect working condition.

8. Absolutely no smoking inside the house and if possible, outside as well. However, if someone in your family smokes, see to it that the cigarette butts are disposed and extinguished properly.

9. Keep a copy of all emergency hotlines near your telephone.

10. Keep a small, portable fire extinguisher handy and learn how to properly use it.

Do your partner in this campaign by sharing these tips to your friends and family!