The Secret to a Happier Work Life

It is said that we will spend at least 90,000 hours of our lifetime at work. The question is, are you happy at the one place where you are spending around 10 years of your life? Work doesn’t have to be this stressful, dreadful thing you that you have to do. Here are some ways to make work more fun and in turn, make you a whole lot happier:

1.  Always start your day on a positive note.

Your mood in the morning affects your general mood for the entire day. Make sure that you are always off to a great start. Simple things such as sparing a few more minutes to enjoy your breakfast or to put together a nicer outfit can help you boost your mood. Find out what usually makes you feel better and add it to your morning routine.

2.  Create a personal incentive program.

There is nothing wrong with bribing yourself every once in a while, especially if you are bombarded with so many tasks. Set small goals throughout the day and reward yourself for every little achievements. The rewards do not have to be grand. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a nice meal after work.

3.  Build a solid workplace friendship.

Social interaction is vital to have a happier work life. Also, studies have shown that those who have a solid relationship with their co-workers are more effective, efficient, and productive. Don’t be afraid to build friendships with people at work. Make an effort to get to know your co-workers.

4.  Take a breather.

Mental health is one of the major things that get taken for granted when one is building a career. Remember that no matter how busy you get or how full your plate is, always find time to rest and relax. As the adage goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. Always practice self-care.

5.  End your day with gratitude.

Recognize that progress, no matter how big or small, is still progress. Be thankful for what you have accomplished during the day. The key is to never be too hard on yourself and give yourself enough credit for all that you have done.