Five Habits that Ruin Your Productivity and How to Break Them

Does it feel like there’s not enough hours in a day to accomplish everything on your to-do list? Do you find it hard to stay focused and to finish your tasks at hand? Do you often feel like you’re stuck in a rut and unable to be completely productive? You might have some habits that are ruining your productivity.

Here are some of them along with some ways to break them:

1. You multitask.

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking does more damage than good. You can never be productive and effective if you’re juggling two, three, or even four tasks at once. You will end up spending more time and effort switching tasks, not completing them.

What you should do:

Concentrate on one single task and complete it before you proceed to the next one.

2. You don’t avoid distractions.

It goes without saying but is still worth reiterating, having loads of distraction in your workplace hampers your productivity. Distractions can come in the form of a phone constantly ringing, various notifications popping up, or even a messy, disorganized desk.

What you should do:

Spare some time within the day to eliminate all forms of distraction. You can install some site blockers, disable notifications, and put your phone on silent.

3. You skip meals.

It’s hard to concentrate and get things done properly with an empty stomach. You need sustenance to fuel your performance. So, no matter how busy you are or how hectic your schedule is, always find time to eat.

What you should do:

Experience the wonders of meal prepping. Spend at least an hour or so in the kitchen during your day off to cook food in big batches.

4. You are a perfectionist.

Another very common thing that keeps people from being productive is being too much of a perfectionist. While there is nothing wrong with wanting things to be done in a certain way, you have to set a more realistic and totally feasible standard.

What you should do:

Keep your focus on finishing your tasks, not perfecting them. Once you’re done with everything and you still have time, go back and polish things up.

5. You are not giving yourself a break.

You are human, not a machine. You need to allow yourself to rest and relax even for just a few minutes. Working straight for hours on end will only decrease your productivity level, not too mention increase your stress level.

What you should do:

Reward yourself for every task or two done. Take a break, get some snacks, do nothing. And then, back to work!