25 Simple Ways to Live Sustainably

Contrary to what other people believe, living sustainably does not necessarily mean giving up convenience and it doesn’t have to involve exerting too much effort. Surely, it does not have to be expensive.

Here are simple and easy ways to be kinder to our environment:

1.       Bring your own reusable water bottle.

2.       Invest in reusable cutleries and straws.

3.       Always carry around your reusable shopping bag.

4.       Buy goods and non-perishable food items in bulk.

5.       Opt for locally-grown and harvested produce.


6.       Select items that have recyclable and sustainable packaging.

7.       Consider buying second-hand clothes whenever possible.

8.       Only buy items that are of good quality and those that you can use for years.


9.       Try to repair or fix clothing items instead of throwing them out.

10.   Switch your light fixtures to LED or CFL.

11.   Make it a habit to always unplug unused and idle appliances.

12.   Use natural light during the day.

13.   Update old and outdated appliances to newer, more energy-efficient ones.

14.   Take shorter showers.


15.   Hand wash your clothes if the laundry isn’t a big batch.

16.   Drive less and walk more.

17.   Go paperless.

18.   Borrow books from the library rather than buying them. Better yet, exchange with your friends.


19.   Plan your meals so you know exactly what to buy and nothing would ever go to waste.

20.   Have at least a day or two where you go completely meat free.

21.   Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Refuse.

22.   Try composting.

23.   Make your own cleaning products using basic kitchen items and ingredients.


24.   Use washable cloth rather than paper towels.

25.   Encourage your friends to follow the abovementioned tips.

Do you have any other tips to live life sustainably? Feel free to share them with the rest of the community!